
QMplus Hub is a great way for you to curate a collection of digital objects that represent or showcase aspects of your academic journey here at Queen Mary.

These might include:

  • essays, projects or assignments where you have done well, developed your knowledge and skills in a key area of your studies.
  • Posters, artwork or images from creative brainstorming sessions.
  • Relevant discussion forum posts from QMplus that exemplify aspects of the development of your learning here at Queen Mary.
  • Videos you may have produced as part of your study or that you have recorded yourself to explain or document aspects of your study.
  • Other digital objects that might relate to extracurricular activities you may have carried out like volunteering work, part-time work or hobbies and sports.

QMplus Hub enables you to collect these digital objects or artefacts within your portfolio then organise and showcase them to different audiences.

You can link objects them to specific learning goals via tags and there are tools to enable you to reflect on what you have learned whilst producing them and perhaps then planning what further learning/development you might need to reach or exceed the goals you may have set for yourself.

Getting started

We've got a selection of guides to help get you started with building your portfolio:

  • Start collecting and organising digital objects in QMplus Hub
  • Display your achievements on pages within your portfolio
  • Share them with different audiences


Examples in use at Queen Mary

Upload/keep a digital record/archive of your achievements

Ororo Monroe has created an online CV to showcase her skills and achievements