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Blank page on Login

Terry Morris's profile picture
Posts: 9

17 May 2012, 16:12

Help please!!  When I login to QMPLUS i have half a second to admire the course conferences before the screen goes blank!!

It is true I am working in the dark but who told QMPlus!!!


Another request .. can IFC3008 be given some priority in transferring the content from Blackboard please?


Best wishes


Alysa Bramble's profile picture
Posts: 164

29 May 2012, 13:59

Hi Terry,

I understand this issue has been fixed for you.

However, I wanted to post the solution here as I've noticed the same thing has happened to some other staff and the solution is simple, once you know what has happened.

What I believe is happening is that you have accidentally 'Docked' the course listing block. This is easily done by clicking on the 'Dock' icon.

(This is a sample image of the 'Dock' icon in QMplus - it is the image to the right with the arrow pointing left):

Dock icon in QMplus

By docking the course list block, this means that the course list is now docked to the left of the page and no longer appears on the page - so the page appears blank - though sometimes the course list will flicker before it disappears to the left. To fix this, you would need to 'Undock' the course list item from the left to put it back onto the page. This is done by clicking on the 'Undock this item' icon.

(This is a sample image of the 'Undock' icon. It is the icon the left):



I have added a file to this group for anyone who needs a visual explanation to resolving this. Here is a link to that file:

Thanks for bringing this up Terry, it is likely to affect others also.


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