
  • Independent Study Project Alina's portfolio displays her presentation slides, action plan, essay plan, reflections on her first draft and annotated refs. She is using the pdf, text and comments blocks.
  • Sustainable Tourism Here is an example of using a portfolio page to scaffold writing essays. The portfolio page can be used to help students display their evolving essay title, plan their essay in the form of an essay outline, add reading notes as they are conducting research and continue to add references to their growing list of bibliography. In this examples, the following artefacts are used: text, images, videos, downloadable files)
  • Reflective essay - First semester of the Certificate in Clinical Foundation Studies. Rawan's portfolio displays her essay, timed writing, reflections from her first semester, references and powerpoint slides. She makes use of text, images and downloadable files on her page.
  • Group reflections This is an example of how multiple students reflections can be displayed on the same page which can be useful for team projects.
  • Rewrite practice essay
  • Placement evidence
  • Evidence Portfolio - Placement Module
  • Nan's Portfolio - Reflective tasks, first and final essay drafts with annotation
  • Ezgi's Portfolio - CV, reflective tasks, annotated essay drafts

 PGCAP Student examples: Reflective Portfolio

Student eportfolio training



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  1. Plan to make phone use safer for teens watered down

    Published on 7 March 2025 at 16:47
  2. More schools to be asked to supervise toothbrushing

    Published on 7 March 2025 at 1:29
  3. Doctors back total ban on smacking children in England

    Published on 6 March 2025 at 11:15
Last updated on 10 March 2025 at 2:02

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