
We would like to extend our deep gratitude to all those who have offered practical, cordial, and selfless support in creating this website page.

Firstly, we are extremely grateful to our teacher, Faith Nightingale. She guides us, influences us and helps us in the process of creating this website page. It is with hispatience, generosity, and encouragement that we finally write, revise and perfect this work.

Second, our faithful appreciation also goes to all the teachers who taught us during the university. They taught us the ability to find literature, to analyze and summarize, to think critically and to write academically. And all of these are the necessary professional skills to complete this page.

Lastly, Taobao platform and Hebei Chengshuo Scientific Research Metal Materials Company have offered us great help. Without them, we would not be able to obtain our sample and conduct further observations and experiments. They laid the material foundation for this work.

See the source image