3. Fire Resistance

Melamine plate can keep itself from melting at the temperature below 354 Celsius degree. What’s more ,it won’t combustion easily. The heat absorption in the sublimation process of melamine is the reason why melamine has flame retardant effect. The sublimation heat absorption flame of melamine is -963kJ/kg. For example, a substrate containing 20% melamine with a specific heat capacity of 2.1kJ/(kg.℃), melamine sublimation will reduce its temperature by 115℃. which will keep its temperature lower than it’s burning point. In addition, the caloric value of the volatiles of melamine combustion is only 40%~45% of that of plastic, and the degradation product nitrogen can play the role of heat dissipation and dilution of oxygen concentration. At the same time, the sublimated melamine can also play the role of diluting fuel and blocking its contact with air, and the sublimated particles can also trap free radicals in the flame zone. Moreover, melamine degrades into dicyandiamide at 610℃ (flame zone can reach this temperature), and the heat absorption flame is higher than the sublimation heat absorption flame, so the vapor flame retardant efficiency of melamine is high. 
For all this properties, the melamine usually being add to other materials. which has been used for several engineering plastics. There is also a way to directly make it into the plate like Fig.1. If you went to some online shopping platform, you can easily find such product on it. 

Fig1.Melamine sponge  345.png
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