Literature Review

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Characterisation Data

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Processing Route

[1] Elena villa (2015), Shape Memory Alloy Engineering ,4,80.

[2] Bethel, Menlo Park, New Hartford (2017) , Introduction to Nitinol [cited 5 June 2020]. Accessed from:

[3] Vacuum Induction Melting, ASM Handbook, 15(15): 1-8.

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[1] Elena villa (2015), Shape Memory Alloy Engineering ,(4),80.

[2] Bethel, Menlo Park, New Hartford (2017), Introduction to Nitinol. Accessed on 5 June 2020, from:

Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS, Retrieved from Accessed on June 6, 2020

Property Profile

CES edupack, Granta design, 2019, Cambridge, UK.