Sample Information

To get the sample, we contacted various of companies that research memory metals. After many rejections, we finally got a response from one of them. The company is called Shenzhen Ruihua Titanium Metal Technology Co. LTD, detailed information about the company will be introduced in the specific section below.

There are two products sent from the company, one is Nitinol spring and the other one is Nitinol wires. With the safety data sheet, we learnt that the material is not so dangerous that there is no need for special treatment.

The two kinds of samples indicate different properties.

For the spring, it shows its shape memory effect (SME). The nature of the property born from the mechanism for the Nitinol. As the phases transform under different temperature, the deformed spring can turn back to its original shape as before.

For the wire, it embodies the superelasticity. That means the applying stress would only cause elastic deformation but not plastic deformation, so it can return rapidly after the stress unloading.

Company Contact

Company name: Shenzhen Ruihua Titanium Metal Technology Co., LTD
Contact person: Xinhua Ye
Contact phone: 13714564077
Email address:
Landline: 0755-29489695
Company Fax: 86 0755 29489553
Company address: Longhua Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China
Company website:

Nitinol Spring


Above is a picture of Nitinol spring. It can be seen that the product is small which has a length of 1.56cm and a diameter of 0.32cm.

Although it is small, the product can perfectlly show the shape memory effect. The process would be shown in the video below.

At first, the spring is in its own shape. As we stretched and deformed it, it is getting longer and more bent. However, after we putting it into the hot water whose temperature reaches 90℃,the spring turned back to its original shape immediately.

Nitinol Wire


This is the picture of the Nitinol wire. It is long with a length of 19.97cm. We do not have a proper tool to get its precise diameter, but it can be seen that the ends are not as thick. 

It performs a well superelasticity which can be seen in the video below. The applying stress causes the local strain of the Nitinol wire, which leads to deformation and bending. Once the stress is unloaded, the wire bounces back quickly without plastic deformation.

Video for the Nitinol Spring

Video for the Nitinol Wire