
Reflection on the material's information 

This material’s wide applications are based on its chemical stability, good safety guaranty, accessible raw materials, low price and operatable manufacturing process. From the above information collected, it is easy to see this material's potential prospect in the future.  At present, this material's main application is cigarette filter,  so, many widely used manufacturing processes are in this direction. Many further developments like one of the insights of the material are that it can combine with other materials with different properties, such as antibacterial property combined in the application of cigarette filters[8]. With the continuous discovery of this material, other natural processing processes focus on other applications will be promoted.

Reflection on our work 

Firstly, we were permitted to communicate with the material manufacturers, this improved our communication skills. When making own poster we learned that the information we need to include when introducing a material, at the same time, we also learned that in the further study, what specific aspects to start from and what information is the most important to deeply learn a material. After we selected the final list, the recruitment fair acknowledged us in the future, when we apply for a job, how we can write the recruitment form properly and promote ourselves. Meanwhile, when students who were the boss employed own works, they learned how to choose the suitable candidates based on own program requirement. It is worth mentioning that when we were editing different parts of our poster, we attached two new sections, abstract and reflection parts helped us learn the summary skills of an easy. We also learned how to cooperate with others.  All in all, through the participation of a study into a material, we have a more comprehensive understanding of how to learn new materials and how to reflect on information. This should be one of the main gains that the program brought to us.


  Many people have offered us valuable help in building this website, including our lecturer and classmates. Thank you all.

  We sincerely appreciate the sample offered by  China Tobacco Industrial, CO., LTD.